While receiving Reiki in a session from a practitioner can feel amazing, and is a beautiful way to support your physical, mental, and emotional well being, maintaining a regular connection with Reiki can greatly enrich your daily life, and even elevate you from a place of following along with collective 'shoulds' to choosing your own path and realizing your highest destiny.
Reiki is simply life force energy. Some think of it as divine light and love. It is a healing force that is all around us, and all of us have access to it. But how do we access this divine force, and in what ways can Reiki enhance our daily existence to the point of helping us create an extraordinary life?
We connect with Reiki by holding the intention to do so; Reiki will come to anyone who asks for it. Whether working on a client or bringing Reiki to myself, I always begin with the Cho Ku Rei symbol and the words, 'I ask to connect with Reiki, for the best and highest good of all involved.' I ask the Reiki angels, masters, and teachers to be present to assist me. After that, all that's left is to allow the flow of Reiki. Staying connected with my spiritual team, I bring in symbols and place my hands as feels right, but primarily bringing Reiki through is a practice of allowing, rather than directing and controlling.
Give it a try. Take a breath, and be aware of your body. Being present and aware of your physical self will help you to sense, feel, and experience Reiki. When you are ready, call in whatever spiritual protection you choose to work with, and set the intention to connect with Reiki. You might sense Reiki as a cascade of light pouring into your crown chakra, or perhaps as a warmth embracing your entire being. For some, Reiki comes through their connection with the earth. Reiki is experienced differently by different people, so whether it comes through as a sound, a feeling, a visual, or something else altogether, just notice what that is for you.
My favorite way to use Reiki in my daily life is at night as I fall asleep. At a time when the assumption of day to day safety is a luxury, many people are living in a constant state of fight or flight. Daily struggles have grown beyond getting the kids off to school on time and delivering a flawless presentation at a board meeting. For many, daily life is about survival, whether we are experiencing that directly, or feeling it empathically from others. Due to this, sleep is even more crucial to maintaining well being. We must give our body and our spirit a chance to recover; we must find our way out of a perpetual survival mode if we are ever to fully embrace life and reach our highest potential. Connecting with Reiki as a part of finding sleep can support this process. Snuggled in bed, wrapped in darkness and warmth, I place my hands wherever feels comfortable for me, and ask to connect with Reiki. This is a gentle way to soothe away the stresses of the day and drift into a healing sleep.
You can bring Reiki to yourself or others while indulging in a favorite TV show or while watching the news. Grounding ourselves in compassion and the beauty of Reiki can help counterbalance the fear, anger, and grief that connecting with local and world events can trigger within us, whether we are living through these struggles first hand or observing them. While Reiki is flowing through you, you can also send it out to others who are pushing through difficult situations.
Part of the magic of Reiki is that it always knows where to go, and it is not limited by time or space. If you have a stressful event approaching, such as a high stakes meeting, a medical procedure, or anything that you're feeling uneasy about, you can send Reiki to that time and place. If you are familiar with Reiki symbols, it helps to incorporate the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, or distance symbol, for these instances.
You have access to Reiki, whether you have been attuned to it or not. The attunement process does increase your energetic system's ability to receive and channel Reiki, but it is not strictly necessary. As awareness of Reiki continues to grow, finding classes online and in person is becoming easier, and the classes themselves have become much more affordable.
Especially in the U.S., as we are stepping into a period of upheaval, change, and - for many people - frightening darkness, spirituality offers strength and steadfastness in unpredictable, unstable realities. Reiki is a way of tapping into the realm of spirit and energy, where we are not limited or defined by material wealth and the human constructs of laws and time. Reiki can help reconnect us with our truth and our power as divine beings in human form, and in reclaiming our own power, we find we are no longer controlled by collective programs or beliefs that come from outside ourselves. In this way, we can become a safe place in a world where those 'in control' would have us feeling threatened and acting from a place of fear. This level of agency is crucial to breaking away from what you might feel is your fate, and rising instead to create your destiny.